速報APP / 教育 / Bobby Hogan World Evangelism

Bobby Hogan World Evangelism



檔案大小:17.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。 Apple TV.

支援語言:法文, 英語, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文, 中文

Bobby Hogan World Evangelism(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the official Bobby Hogan World Evangelism App!

Featuring the Prophetic Connections television program, and sermons delivered at The Fort Church by the prophet, Bobby Hogan. Watch, listen, and share with friends via Podcast, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Periscope, or email.

Bobby Hogan World Evangelism(圖2)-速報App

Apostle Hogan has began a journey that spanned 40 years of ministry serving as the Senior Pastor of Christ For The World since 1984, Apostle Hogan has been a minister of the gospel from his youth. He is anointed as a prophet to identify, nurture, and raise up leaders. Apostle Hogan has written many books to train and equip them. Apostle Hogan has a voice of wisdom, encouragement, and vision. Apostle Hogan has ministered on several occasions at the United Nations. Apostle Hogan’s ministry cuts across denominational and generational boundaries.

Building God centered covenant relationships in the unconditional love of the Father is the cornerstone of Apostle Hogan’s apostolic ministry to churches and ministers worldwide. He is recognized by many as a pastor to pastors. Apostle Hogan is a prophet to America and the nations of the world. Also Apostle Hogan is the CEO of Christ For The World International Fellowship and is the founder of Christ for the World in Fort Smith, Arkansas; Muskogee, Oklahoma; and Rogers, Arkansas, which are non-profit organizations.

Bobby Hogan World Evangelism(圖3)-速報App

For more information about Bobby Hogan World Evangelism, please visit http://bobbyhogan.org

The Bobby Hogan World Evangelism App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, Apple TV